Below are links to the current version of the DDNP and its supporting documents. These are not the final versions, and all, with the exception of those produced by AECOM, are currently being reviewed following the Regulation 14 consultation that closed August 2021.
Diss and District Neighbourhood Plan DRAFT
Housing Needs Assessment (July 2019 ) AECOM)
Site Options and Assessment Report (Dec 2019) AECOM
Site Options and Assessment Report (Dec 2020) AECOM
Site Options and Assessment Additional Sites Report (March 2022) AECOM (new)
Habitats Regulations Assessment (AECOM)
Strategic Environmental Assessment (AECOM)
Evidence document: Local Green Spaces
Evidence document: Key Views
Non Designated Heritage Assets
Groups facing complex issues such as allocating sites for development or including design codes in their neighbourhood plan, such as is the case with the DDNP can apply for a technical support grant by AECOM. We were successful in securing a grant, and AECOM produced the following documents on our behalf:
Associated Documents
AECOM Housing Needs Assessment (July 2019)
This assessment provides vital evidence to help understand the expected demand for housing in our neighbourhood plan area over the period of the plan (usually around 20 years)
AECOM Site Options and Assessments Report (Dec 2019)
This document assesses the 35 sites put forward for possible development
AECOM Site Options and Assessments Report (Dec 2020)
The follow on document assesses a further 17 possible sites, plus makes some revisions to the initial 2019 report (published above).
This document, produced by professional urban designers explores local areas and to produce bespoke rural design guides, or codes, for potential development or regeneration sites.
Norfolk Market Town Centre Report (Norfolk County Council 2019)
South Norfolk Council's Place Making Guide
The purpose of the South Norfolk Place-Making Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is to promote and secure high quality design in new development within South Norfolk. It also makes clear what we expect when deciding planning applications
Collective Community Planning (Consultants to the DDNPSG)
Community Consultation (2) Report Jan 2021
This single report gives the results of the second consultation which took place Nov/Dec 2020. The questionnaire invited feedback on newly suggested sites and local green spaces in five of the seven parishes in the DDNP area. To read the results of the first consultation which took place July/Aug 2020, these were produced by individual parish and can be viewed on the 'Parish Pages' tab, top right.
Tibbalds Consultants
DDNP report (2017)
Vision & Themes booklet (for initial community consultation 2018)
Norfolk County Council
Diss Network Improvement Strategy (April 2020)
Press releases
Issues & Options consultation survey launch (released 15th July 2020)
Issues & Options consultation survey deadline extension ( released 11 August 2020)