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Vision and Aims of the DDNP

A project as complex as the Diss & District Neighbourhood Plan needs a Vision to keep it on course, and Aims to keep it firmly anchored to what people living in the local communities involved said they wanted their DDNP to achieve. 


Through consultation and an exploration of the issues facing the local area, a Vision statement has been arrived at, and a total of ten aims have been identified.

vision and aims.jpg
'A vibrant community around a thriving market town'


The Aims for the DDNP are:


Aim 1:  Sustainable Growth

Allocate the required housing growth in sustainable locations across the neighbourhood plan area, ensuring that it’s the right mix to meet the needs of current and future residents.


Aim 2: Design & Character

Ensure that new buildings, especially housing, are designed to a high building and environmental standard and have a positive impact on Diss and the villages, retaining the individuality of each community within the Neighbourhood Plan area.


Aim 3: Growth & Infrastructure

Align growth with the required infrastructure and make sure future development will deliver the infrastructure needed for our communities and businesses.


Aim 4: Ecology & Habitat

Make a positive impact on ecology and ensure everyone across the Plan area has an opportunity to enjoy and support local wildlife.


Aim 5: Transport & Traffic

Help people choose sustainable ways of getting around in the Neighbourhood Plan area.


Aim 6: Sports & Leisure

Ensure adequate sports and leisure facilities for the whole community are provided.


Aim 7: Digital Connectivity

Provide digital connectivity that supports and benefits all businesses and homes across the neighbourhood plan area.


Aim 8: Diss Town Centre

Enhance the Diss town centre experience for residents and visitors.


Aim 9: Community Character

Protect and preserve those special qualities and features that are valued by the community.


Aim 10: Addressing local climate change issues

Ensure that the need to address climate change runs through all aspects of the Plan (and you can read more on that here)

There may be some aims you'd like to have seen but that aren't included. Here's a quick guide to what neighbourhood plans can, and can't influence: 


Can a neighbourhood plan:


Protect an ancient tree?

YES - through policies which place appropriate conditions on planning permission


Provide affordable homes?

Yes - planning policies can require a proportion of new homes to be affordable and deliver this through a S106 agreement


Improve the local train service?

No - that requires lobbying the train company and local MP


Introduce a 20mph zone?

No - speed limits are a matter for the Highways Authority, but traffic management in relation to new development is for planning policy


We will be publishing a list of policies shortly and show where they each connect to these stated aims. 


(this page was updated 09 04 21)


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